Reserve Collection
Materials are placed on Reserve by faculty members for specific classes in order to allow a larger number of students to use a limited number of materials.
Placing Materials on Reserve:
The following types of materials are appropriate for Reserve status at the Roberts-LaForge Library Reserve Desk:
- Books from the circulating collections of Roberts-LaForge Library
- Personal copies of books, videos, or software
- Reference material, with the permission of the Reference Department Librarians
- Government Documents, with the permission of the Government Documents Librarian.
Please note:
Materials housed in the Instructional Resources Center, including audiovisual materials (videotapes, long playing records, CD-ROMs) must be placed on Reserve in the IRC. Equipment is available for both individual and group listening/viewing.
Procedures for Placing Items on Reserve:
If you wish to place materials for your class on Reserve, please bring the material to the Circulation Department (or the IRC Service Desk). An appropriate form (see below) for placing materials on Reserve must be completed.
Please Note:
If you are placing library books or personal copy items on Reserve, fill out only the bottom part of the “Reserve Items” form.
Reserve Forms
Reserves Form – Circulation
Reserves Form – IRC
Lead-time Required for Processing Items:
We ask that you provide us a minimum of 48 hours to process your Reserve material before making it a class assignment. This time is necessary for us to physically process the material so that it can be checked out from the Reserve Desk. The Circulation Department and IRC are very busy at the beginning of each semester, please bring us your Reserve material as soon as possible to insure that the material is ready when the students ask for it. All items will be labelled, barcoded, and given security strips to prevent theft.
Reserve Collection Circulation Policy:
A current Delta State University identification card is necessary to check out materials on Reserve. Materials that are a part of this collection are checked out for a two (2) hour time limit and must be used within the library. Fines are charged for overdue items in the amount of $0.50 per hour, per item.